4 Simple Tips To Improve Your Sleep Habits With Bedroom Furniture

Having trouble catching ZZZzzz’s? Getting enough sleep can help boost your mood, affect your overall health and determine how you function daily. However, like most of us it’s not always easy to fall asleep. We can feel overwhelmed, uncomfortable and just have a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep throughout the night.

A way you can begin to improve your sleep habits is with bedroom furniture. Choosing the right furniture for your space and comfort needs can help transform your bedroom into a comfortable sanctuary where you get all the rest you need. Try these 4 simple tips for a bedroom that will encourage healthier sleeping habits!


Wake Up Refreshed !

Having a great mattress is important! Your mattress can determine how comfortable you sleep each night and how refreshed you feel when you wake up. Choose a mattress with cooling technology if temperature affects your sleep at night. Whether you sleep on your side or stomach, there is a mattress for you. Choose between firm. plush, ultra plush and more for a mattress that will bring the comfort you need to your bedroom for a great night of sleep.

*Bonus Tip: Don’t know where to start when looking for the perfect mattress? The Sleep Loft at Belfort Furniture offers the largest selection of mattresses that beat department store and mattress shop prices! Visit Belfort’s Sleep Loft to try our selection of mattresses. Plus, we have a team of professionals ready to help you make the right mattress purchase for a better night of sleep!


Bedroom Storage is Key!

Let’s face it… it’s time to get organized! A cluttered bedroom can feel chaotic, making you more anxious when it’s time for bed. Make it easy to keep your bedroom organized with bedroom storage. Add in a chest of drawers, a storage bench, a dresser or a wardrobe to keep your clothes and belongings in an organized place. Having a clean and organized bedroom can help to ease anxiousness and stress before bed helping you to fall asleep easier and faster.


Make TV Time… Before Bed Time!

Try removing your TV from your bedroom. Watch all of your favorite shows before bed and make your bedroom the designated spot for relaxation and sleep. Removing your TV will help you fall asleep faster and allow your eyes and mind to rest as you fall asleep. Try a night stand with usb ports and place your night stand several inches from your bed. Charge your electronics with a nightstand with usb ports to keep your electronics out of reach until the morning. Then simply replace your TV stand with a stunning dresser and mirror set to make your room feel complete.


Sink Into A Comfortable Bed!

Make your bedroom comfortable. Choose bedding that is not only stylish but makes going to bed comfortable and cozy. Add pillows to your bed to create another level of comfort. Choose a bed that will fit your style and comfort needs so that you can enjoy your bedroom and feel comfortable when it’s time for bed!

Try these for simple tips to start working towards changing your sleep habits and getting a better night of sleep. Shop Mattresses and Bedroom Furniture in Northern Virginia and the Washington DC are at Belfort Furniture!

Need your mattress and bedroom furniture quickly? Shop our selection of in-stock and ready to deliver mattresses and bedroom furniture.