Furniture Storage Solutions for Smaller Homes

If you are living into a smaller sized home or moving into your first town home, or apartment finding space to store all of personal belongings can be stressful but it doesn't have to be. Purchasing furniture that has built in storage options is a fun and creative way to save space and organize your home. Here are some ways to make the most out of your space with these furniture storage solutions.

Loft Beds Make Room For Storage

Having children in a smaller sized home can often be difficult; not only do they need space to run and play but their collection of toys can become overwhelming. A fun solution that you and your kids will enjoy is a loft bed. Not only is a lofted bed a fun experience for the kids but it opens up the room underneath for you to add additional storage, desk, or play space for the kids.

Save Space with Room Accents

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A great storage solution for your living room is a lift cocktail table or storage ottoman. This is fun and stylish way to have a place to put your blankets, remotes, magazines, and more. storage cocktails and ottomans a great two in one option that offers functionality in front of your sofa and keep the clutter out of sight. 

Double Duty for Dining Rooms

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Behind some beautiful dining rooms are hidden drawers that offer extra storage. This Everyday Dining Table by Rachael Ray Home is a beautiful centerpiece for your dining room that features a stroage drawer for supreme functionality. Storage drawers built in to dining tables are a great place to store kitchen utensils and table linens. Owning a table with a leaf allows you have expand and retract your dining space as needed. 

Store more with Storage Beds

Smaller bedrooms prove difficult when it comes to storing clothing, shoes and linens. A bed with built in storage drawers is the perfect solution to eliminate the need for additional storage pieces that won't fit in your room. Most storage beds offer storage drawers located within the footboard making your belongings easily accessible.Weather you are downsizing or moving into a starter home you don't have to compromise on your getting rid of your favorite items. Purchasing furniture that features built in storage options makes it easy to de-clutter and preserve valuable space in your home. 

Shop these stylish furniture storage options and more at and our furniture showroom located in Sterling, Virginia.